Supervised Toothbrushing Programme

Supervised Toothbrushing Programmes in settings are an effective way to reduce tooth decay. The online programme is designed to update all Early Years providers working in the North West of England.  

Welcome to staff training for early years and educational staff. Tooth decay in children under five years in the northwest of England is higher than the England average. Research shows brushing with a fluoride toothpaste twice daily prevents tooth decay (Fluoride toothpastes of different strengths for preventing tooth decay, Walsh T, Worthington HV, Glenny A, Marinho VCC, Jeroncic A, 2019). Supervised Toothbrushing Programmes in settings are an effective way to reduce tooth decay and oral health is now a key part of the EYFS framework.

Please contact your local team for further information or support, details of which can be found in the ‘Local health teams contact information’ document in the ‘Resources & Publications’ section.

This training material is intended for early years and education staff who are working with their local health teams to deliver a supervised toothbrushing programme. Please adhere to the latest guidance on infection control.

All 3 training videos take less than 30 minutes to watch.

Encourage all members of your team to watch the following key training materials:

  • Supervised Toothbrushing Programme for Early Years Care and Education Settings video
  • Introducing ‘Smiles Matter’ Supervised Brushing in Oldham video
  • Implementing the supervised toothbrushing programme in your setting video
  • You may wish to use the Parent/Guardian video in your setting to support parents.

We have also provided ‘Resources and Publications’ which you may find helpful.

Please complete the feedback and you will receive a training certificate. We review all feedback to improve the training offer.

  • Supervised Toothbrushing Programme for Early Years Care and Education Settings – here 
  • Introducing a supervised toothbrushing programme – here
  • Implementing the supervised toothbrushing programme in your setting – here
  • Parents/Guardians presentation on toothbrushing at home and finding an NHS dentist – here
  • Brush Website – here
  • Feedback and evaluation 
  • Risk assessment
  • Local health teams contact information. – here
  • Improving oral health: A toolkit to support commissioning of supervised toothbrushing programmes in early years and school settings – here
  • Daily Storage System Cleaning Plan – here
  • Toothbrushing songs
Ten ways to help keep children’s teeth healthy